Feb 2012 08

SakuraRedd Suicide in High Noon

  • INTO: Japan, fetish scene, Japanese rope bondage, red lipstick, seamed stockings, tattoos, piercings, Agent Provocateur, latex, photography, Nobuyoshi Araki, Gilles Berquet, Torture Garden, Hello Kitty, rain, alcohol, and sex!
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Rain, the smell and taste of coffee, traveling on trains, eating cupcakes, music, kissing, love, going out with friends, dancing, getting drunk, staying up all night, spending my mornings with a hangover, and sex!
  • MAKES ME SAD: Every time I feel bored:(
  • HOBBIES: Drinking beer is on of my favorites;)
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My friends, music, coffee, alcohol, and sex.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: On the internet. I’m a little nerdy :D.

Get to know SakuraRedd better over at!