Jul 2010 26

by Andrew E. Konietzky

Let’s get straight to the heart of the film… John Cusack, Craig Robinson, and Rob Corddry play three guys who were all best friends in their ’80’s heyday but have since drifted apart. When Corddry passes out in his car while it’s idling in his closed garage, the other two take it as a suicide attempt and plan a reunion trip to Kodiak Valley, the ski resort where they once had an epic weekend in the winter of ’86. Cusack brings along his nephew, played by Clark Duke.

They get in their suite’s Hot Tub Time Machine and wake up the next morning to discover they’re suddenly, back in 1986. These guys have seen Back to the Future so they figure out that they have to do everything they did in ’86, or they will completely screw up the future. Cusack has to let his girlfriend stab him in the eye. Corddry has to get beaten up by a squad of evil jocks. Sweep the leg for a small spoiler my friends. Robinson has to sleep with someone, which he’s terrified about because he is technically married. And Duke – whose mom is also at the lodge figures out that he was conceived this weekend. He frantically tries to get them to stay on track, lest they change something that might cause him to cease to exist.

Hijinks ensue, and the movie succeeds in keeping the laughs and 80’s in-jokes high. All four leads have terrific rapport with each other, and are aided by Crispin Glover and Chevy Chase in recurring cameos. The only aspect I was greatly disappointed by was its failure to capitalize on Cusack’s presence. The film is brilliant in that it mimics the type of teen movies that made Cusack famous. Surprisingly, the movie ultimately belongs to Corddry, who successfully plays the “asshole” in a manner both charming and empathetic.

Grab your towel and enjoy the hot tub.