Aug 2010 12

One Man’s Homage to His Beloved Pair of Sneakers

by Jules Bleach

I was born into this world bright red, kicking & screaming. From the loving, caring hands of an elderly Asian lady working three different jobs just to be able to feed her children after a fifteen hour shift.  I was one child she would not have to bear the burden of raising. From the moment of my creation, I was taken from my mothers hands and passed down a long line, placed in a crib of sorts & shipped off to another country. After what seemed an eternity of sharing my cabin space with numerous others that looked just like myself (yet came in a vast variety of different shades & sizes like some kind of multicultural gathering), we had arrived at our destination. I had at this stage expected we’d all be headed to the same place, yet upon our arrival some gruff ugly men in horrible bright yellow jackets split us all up. I was once again put in a dark box and carried off to some unknown destination.


Aug 2010 11

by Christine Dinh

Scott, if your life had a face, I would punch it. I would punch your life in the face. – Kim Pine, Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together

It’s hard to hold back your inner Julie Powers or Regina George, sometimes. Life is full of difficult people. Some you can avoid. But then there are those you can’t, like bosses, coworkers, clients, friends, family members, your girlfriend’s evil exes, etc. We all can’t tell an aircraft of passengers to go fuck themselves before making a grand exit down the emergency slide with two bottles of beer in hand or be even bold enough to tell a boss they’re the reason we’re quitting.


Aug 2010 10

by Lisa Brady

We all know that when it comes to us ladies we take a little longer to get ready and carry our entire lives on our oversized, could-be-a-carry-on-item, purses. But for someone with a slightly more complicated life, everyday routines and the contents of a purse can be a whole other ballgame.


Aug 2010 06

by AJ Focht

It is my belief that everyone, every decision, and every character ever created fits into one of the nine alignments layed out in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and Dungeons & Dragons third edition. The nine alignments are: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, (True) Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Evil.

The alignments seem very straight forward but on a closer look the line that divides them gets very blurry. A characters alignment is based on their most common course of action and not on individual actions. Think of it like a RPG game with a morality feature, it takes time for your alignment to shift from good to evil and not just one mistake.


Aug 2010 04

by Christine Dinh

Beauty and perfection has never played a tag-team trick as cruel as this.

I’m known for saying ‘Pain is beauty’ as I literally run around Los Angeles in notsogentle heels.  And I curse the stars that I wasn’t born with heels on like my mother. And who didn’t grow up with the notion of Cinderella and the perfect pair of heels?

Now because I’m Asian and a woman, it basically guarantees that I should have a weird fascination with feet.

Fact:  In my youth, I read in an issue of Jane (do you miss the magazine as much as I do?) or maybe it was Glamour that depicted accounts of Asian women who were inserting steel rods in their ankles so they could be two inches taller.


Jul 2010 28

by Jules Bleach

In the third grade we had to do a practical Life Exercise program, which just involved us bunch of rapscallions doing group exercises like drawing pictures and sharing the story behind them, medicine ball games, etc. One exercise we did involved the teacher telling us to act out certain actions eg – ‘Imagine you’ve just lost all your money on the dogs and your wife has left you’ except a more infantile version. As usual, I was well behind. [..]

Jul 2010 27

by Nathalie Moody

Are you someone that identifies themselves differently than the average guy or gal? Someone who stands out and stands up for their lovely different-ness despite the societal pressures to think, talk, and like what the major networks, movie producers, and corporate radio have to offer? [..]