Oct 2012 09

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“This is a point in my career where I get to do what I want to do.”
– Danny Glover

Danny Glover has had a career of contradictions. While he has appeared in the highly successful Lethal Weapon franchise, he has also been very politically active on issues involving minorities in the US, global human rights and AIDS. He was also appointed a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Development Program.

Of course that’’s besides the point, because he has a starring role in the balls out sick and twisted horror thriller SAW. A young man named Adam [Leigh Whannell] wakes to find himself chained to a rusty pipe inside a decrepit subterranean chamber. Chained to the opposite side of the room is another bewildered captive, Dr. Lawrence Gordon [Cary Elwes]. Between them is a dead man lying in a pool of blood, holding a .38 in his hand. Neither man knows why he has been abducted; but instructions left on a microcassette order Dr. Gordon to kill Adam within eight hours. If he fails to do so, then both men will die, and Dr. Gordon’s wife, Alison [Potter], and his daughter will be killed. Recalling a recent murder investigation by a police detective named Tapp [Danny Glover], Dr. Gordon realizes he and Adam are the next victims of a psychopathic genius known only as “Jigsaw.”

Read our interview with Danny Glover on