by Lisa Brady
We’ve all experienced that phenomenon where a certain song can bring back a wave of memories (good, bad, fucking horrible). [..]
Jaeci Suicide in Be My Lover

- into: drawing, painting, craigslist, sofrito, crafts, yoga, biscotti,
- not into: most other things.
- makes me happy: Singing old country tunes while I’m in the shower. Cats.
- hobbies: forgetting to water my plants, dealing with other people’s problems in the middle of the night, vegan baking
- vices: Dark chocolate and dirty words.
- i spend most of my free time: Drawing pictures instead of paying attention, wondering where I put my keys.
Get to know Jaeci better over at!
by Christine Dinh
I think we’re in need of an entertainment round-up, don’t you? [..]