by Pandie Suicide
Today’s post on the music industry is going to be a little more ‘how-to’ than last week’s piece of mine on What it Means to Be a Woman in Heavy Music Today. We are going to cover that crazy, amazing, thing: the rock n roll tour, or the metal tour, or the punk tour, or the whatever kind of tour. Going on tour is one of the most awesome things in the world, if you are lucky enough to experience this fun time, even if it’s in a gritty van. It’s the chance to live the rock n roll dream, a different town, city, venue, crowd, every night. It’s parties and late nights, good drugs and alcohol, music, fans, fame, fortune, an escape from the normal ‘9-5’. It’s an excuse to get a little wild. And that’s why we love it. That glittering, dreamy thing… [..]
by Damon Martin
I was in my car today, listening to my iPod while driving to the movies, and put on a play list I made that put all my favorite Seattle bands together. A little known Nirvana track that became popular a few years ago called “You Know You’re Right” popped on and it got me thinking back to April, 1994.
For my fellow grunge-age followers, we grew up on Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, and of course Nirvana. We rocked our flannel shirts, and all wanted to move to Seattle. It seemed like everything changed on that spring day in 1994. [..]
Kemper Suicide in I’m Not Bad

- into: chihuahuas, sharks, puppies
- not into: children
- i spend most of my free time: Searching for the mythical clitoris
Get to know Kemper better over at!