Nahp Suicide in Sunday Vouyeurist

- into: animals, photography, tattoos, body piercings, natural beauty, porn, love and eternal love, sex, chocolate, sushi, movies, skirts, dresses, black hair, black color, snickers, pin up style, 50’s, 60’s, 70;s, 90’s, socks, nature.
- not into: dead animals, lies, cigarrets, taking the trash out, flat shoes, fashion, divorce, 80’s, drama,celebrities, irresponsibility.
- makes me happy: my boy, cute animals, love, sbx, kisses, 100% sincerity, sushi, weekends,tattoos, sex, my music, underwear, chocolate, cooking whit sbx, good job, true, mac.
- makes me sad: lies, cheat, suffering animals, quarreling, workig late or weekends, banks, negativity, pc, silence,bad weather.
- hobbies: sleep, movies, talk with sbx and my friends, make rag dolls (muniequitos), internet, photography.
- 5 things i can’t live without: chocolate,fruit juice, my music,love,iphone
Get to know Nahp better over at!
by Alana Joy
Every week we ask you guys to show us your ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday: we choose one favorite submission each from Twitter, Tumblr, and MySpace and they win a free 3 month membership to Check out this weeks winners! [..]
by Lisa Brady
We’ve all experienced that phenomenon where a certain song can bring back a wave of memories (good, bad, fucking horrible). [..]
Jaeci Suicide in Be My Lover

- into: drawing, painting, craigslist, sofrito, crafts, yoga, biscotti,
- not into: most other things.
- makes me happy: Singing old country tunes while I’m in the shower. Cats.
- hobbies: forgetting to water my plants, dealing with other people’s problems in the middle of the night, vegan baking
- vices: Dark chocolate and dirty words.
- i spend most of my free time: Drawing pictures instead of paying attention, wondering where I put my keys.
Get to know Jaeci better over at!
by Christine Dinh
I think we’re in need of an entertainment round-up, don’t you? [..]
by Nicole Powers
This Sunday we’re excited to have Hypernova in-studio, performing un-plugged tracks live and spinning songs from their debut album, Through The Chaos. [..]
Rem Suicide in Illuminated

- into: females. trying new things, flowers, kittens, recycling, flirting, kinky business.
- not into: open relationships, complacency, patronizing, animal abuse, drugs.
- makes me happy: kitty cats.
- makes me sad: lost kittens and puppies.
- 5 things i can’t live without: tooth brush, mascara, camera, sex, love.
- vices: smoking
- i spend most of my free time: what free time?
Get to know Rem better over at!