by Christine Dinh
Scott, if your life had a face, I would punch it. I would punch your life in the face. – Kim Pine, Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together
It’s hard to hold back your inner Julie Powers or Regina George, sometimes. Life is full of difficult people. Some you can avoid. But then there are those you can’t, like bosses, coworkers, clients, friends, family members, your girlfriend’s evil exes, etc. We all can’t tell an aircraft of passengers to go fuck themselves before making a grand exit down the emergency slide with two bottles of beer in hand or be even bold enough to tell a boss they’re the reason we’re quitting.
by Alana Joy
[Bloo Suicide in Like An Open Book]
➲ What are you reading right now?
by Pandie Suicide
Getting signed is at the top of a lot of bands to-do lists. It marks the pinnacle of their careers, a sign that you’re really ‘making it.’ But with things the way that they are in this digital age, the whole industry structure of record labels, who historically found bands and other artists, signed them for a (sometimes) nice advance, then released, promoted, and distributed the album (or at least oversaw all of this happening)… has changed.
Pia Suicide in Fluor Love
[Click the header for BIG!]

- HOBBIES: bicycling
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: weed! beer! sex! chocolate! tea!
- VICES: weed
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME:smoking and making love
By Nicole Powers
You may not recognize his name, but as the man who figured out how to make online adult entertainment pay, Chris Mallick has had a profound effect on our world. “Third-party billing” is not exactly a sexy phrase, but the concept Mallick masterminded revolutionized the way the invisible masses achieved satisfaction, and gave e-commerce its kick-start.