by Bob Suicide
There are two different kinds of geeks: those that take the blue pill and the ones that take the red…and depending upon which color you subscribe to; your interaction with the world at large (and the l33t ladies within it) will vary widely.
Take the blue pill and you’ll find that you’re unable to stop talking in social situations. You may not even be conscious of it, but to other observers they can see the looong green lines of code just spilling out of your mouth without end. Take the red pill and you’re so cripplingly shy, you can’t seem to talk to anyone. You just wander thorough various social situations as an observer.
The Suicide Girls have teamed up with UnderShare Inc. to bring Los Angeles a lingerie fashion show that will knock your socks off (and give them to those who need them more than you do!). UnderShare Inc. is a volunteer based charity dedicated to providing new undergarments and toiletries to Los Angeles shelters that assist the homeless, and women and children escaping domestic violence situations.
Buffy Suicide in Simplest Love
[click the header for big]

- INTO: Tattoos. Music. Movies. Nature. Fishing. Camping. Baseball. Summer time. The ocean. Traveling.
- NOT INTO: Shopping and complaining about things that can’t be changed.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: The things I said I am into make me happy. Also, meeting good people…because it’s rare these days.
- MAKES ME SAD: When someone I love is sad. Stealing and cheating.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Money. Food. Chapstick. My Mom. Sports.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Doing whatever I want to do!
Get to know Buffy better over at!
* The annual Perseid meteor shower reaches its peak tomorrow night, with a moonless sky providing near-perfect observing conditions late Thursday into early Friday.
by Eric “Butter” Levy
I was drunk. I need to admit that. Drunk as a sailor on leave. I was also laying flat on my back, beer in my hand, on a trampoline. Most of my friends were there that night. One of them was really high, and earlier we had an argument about what we were gathered to observe: a meteor shower. In my alcohol induced wisdom I was directing everyone’s eyes toward the skies. It was this alcoholic wisdom that made me overlook the fact the Earth rotates and thus stars do not sit stationary all night long. I preached like many a crazy preacher man, that the stars were moving, and that THAT was what we got there to see. HAH-LE-LOO-JAH!
By Nicole Powers
In 1988 when Guns N’ Roses debut album, Appetite For Destruction, topped the Billboard 200 chart and the band’s seminal single “Sweet Child O’ Mine” did the same on Billboard’s Hot 100, being a member of the hard rocking Los Angeles band should have been a dream come true. But for the band’s drummer, Steven Adler, his fantasy reality was already turning into a nightmare. Guns N’ Roses muse, “Mr. Brownstone,” a.k.a. heroin had moved in, and by 1990 it had robbed Adler of his career, health and wealth.
by AJ Focht
The Dungeons and Dragons Alignment chart is an essential piece to forming a well rounded character. The beautiful thing about it is how easily each alignment can fit any scenario. Lawful Good is one that can be particularly hard to pinpoint. In concept, lawful good is one of the easiest alignments to grasp. In practice, a lawful good character can be very hard to pin down and can cause rifts within the “party”.
One Man’s Homage to His Beloved Pair of Sneakers
by Jules Bleach
I was born into this world bright red, kicking & screaming. From the loving, caring hands of an elderly Asian lady working three different jobs just to be able to feed her children after a fifteen hour shift. I was one child she would not have to bear the burden of raising. From the moment of my creation, I was taken from my mothers hands and passed down a long line, placed in a crib of sorts & shipped off to another country. After what seemed an eternity of sharing my cabin space with numerous others that looked just like myself (yet came in a vast variety of different shades & sizes like some kind of multicultural gathering), we had arrived at our destination. I had at this stage expected we’d all be headed to the same place, yet upon our arrival some gruff ugly men in horrible bright yellow jackets split us all up. I was once again put in a dark box and carried off to some unknown destination.