Aug 2010 30

by Andrew E. Konietzky

Superhero films, books, and games will exist until the end of time. With that thought you should settle down, and watch the 2007 documentary called “Confessions of a Superhero”. This film chronicles the lives of three mortal men and one mortal woman who make their living working as superhero characters on Hollywood Boulevard.

Superman (Chris Dennis) is a Los Angeles orphan, but claims to be the son of Oscar/Tony-winning actress Sandy Dennis, though the family denies that she had any children. Wonder Woman (Jennifer Wenger) was a Midwestern homecoming queen, who actually is the most successful of the actors. The Hulk (Joe McQueen) sold his Super Nintendo for a bus ticket to Los Angeles during the Rodney King riots and was homeless for four years before becoming the Hulk, and achieves some success, winning a small role in Justin Lin’s “Finishing the Game.” Batman (Maxwell Allen) claims to be a former mobster with a murderous past, though his wife casts doubts on his stories in the film. This deeply personal view into their daily routines reveals their hardships and triumphs as they pursue and achieve their own kind of fame.


Aug 2010 30

Rydell Suicide in Stray Bullet

  • INTO: Helping to make earth a better and happier place to be, Craves Cupcakes, Cooking with Someone I Love, The smell of Vector files in the morning, Dancing around my house like an arse, Reading, Organization, Learning Languages, Smelling yummy, Drinking tea in my underwear, Astronomy and Meditating.
  • NOT INTO: Chocolate, Bad Moods, People who can’t think or see beyond their own little box of a life and who refuse to help change the world, Smell of Patchouli, Small Talk (I suck at it), Animal testing or cruelty, Flaky Friends, Repeating Myself, No Money, People Who Are Blind To The World Around Them and Laziness.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Loud Music, My Mac, Being Barefoot, My Weimaraner, Cleaning The House, Crisp Sheets, Boy Shorts, Meditation, Expanding the Mind, Target Practice, Stars, Muscle Cars & Grease, a Great Pair of Jeans, Sexy Heels, Laying in a Hammock, Travelling, Pubs, Sunday Walks, Someone Cooking For Me, Just Sharing Space With Someone I Love, Watching the Stars, Strong Connections and Talking with friends.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Ignorance, Fur, Authority, Mean People, Being Told What To Do, No New Ink, Missing People I Love, The State Of Our World and Vivisection!
  • HOBBIES: Killing time…anyone know how to get blood out of the carpet?
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT:LaLicious Body Scrub, Fresh Ink, Silence, Meditation, My Heart
  • VICES: Tattoos, Cheesecake, Autumn, Boys with Tattoos, and Craves Cupcakes
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME:Working, Meditating, Swearing, Playing with my Mac and Watching horror movies…wanting.

Get to know Rydell better over at!

Aug 2010 27

by Nicole Powers

This week on SuicideGirls Radio our very special in-studio guest will be Richard Patrick, founder and frontman of Filter. We’ll be talking about, and playing track from, his brand new album, The Trouble With Angeles (you know, the one you’ve heard us raving about on the show for the past two weeks!). Tune in for two hours of totally awesome tunes and extreme conversation – and don’t let your moma listen in!


Aug 2010 27

[Aleena in Phoenix]

The SuicideGirls are invading the Hell City Tattoo convention in Arizona tonight and tomorrow night, giving away awards: LIVE via Ustream!

You can watch the stream here.

Don’t miss it!

Aug 2010 27

You guys keep asking us to walk you through just how you go about becoming a SuicideGirl so we decided to dedicate this weeks video blog to telling you just what to do! Rambo is the model coordinator and she gives you the inside scoop on every step you need to take!

Did you know that applying gets you a free membership? Well, it does: talk about incentive!

Good luck!

Aug 2010 27

by Alana Joy

Every week we ask you guys to show us your ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday: we choose one favorite submission each from TwitterTumblr, and MySpace and they win a free 3 month membership to Check out this weeks winners!


Aug 2010 27

by Lisa Brady

It’s been quite some time since The Cleavers came to us once a week to share their life lessons and morals. Over 50 years, in fact. A lot has changed since 1957. Segregation was ended, women are prevalent (and kicking ass) in the workplace and the typical family ideal seems to have fallen by the wayside. Some would argue the merits of moving past the stuffy, goody-two-shoes, so-sweet-it-makes-your-teeth-hurt family moment, but I have to ask: is it really so terrible?

Sure, Wally and The Beav got into “trouble” on a regular basis and by the end of 30 minutes, they were sitting down to a home cooked meal and chuckling about the days’ hijinks. That’s not reality, is it? Though it seems unlikely that this was happening in the average white-picket-fence-2.5-kids household, there are some elements to it that aren’t all that bad.
