The Art of SuicideGirls Feat. Oddbill0
Posted In Blog
by Blogbot
Artist / SG Member Name: Oddbill.
Mission Statement: Someone once said to me “Please never stop drawing naked ladies.” And so far, I haven’t.
Medium: Chalk pastels, ink, and watercolor.
Aesthetic: Oversaturated crumbly false color. Otherwise, I don’t think I’ve developed an aesthetic yet. I keep at it in the hope an aesthetic emerges.
Notable Achievements: I designed a vodka bottle once. It was like a cubist rendering of an embrace warped into three dimensions and filled with sexy fermented potato juice. It would have been lovely, but the company that hired me went bankrupt and it was never made. I recently did a CD cover. Some of my pieces once hung in a group show. Art-wise, that is about it. I manage technology workers for a living. A long time ago I was an actor. I make these drawings now, when I’m not working, because I Iike the way the chalk feels, the clouds of loose technicolor dust I have to blow off the paper, talking to the women who sit for me, translating them into completely nonsensical colors.
Why We Should Care: What I hope is that there is something engaging about these pictures, that they catch your eye the way they did mine as I drew them. It’s really no more complicated than that. Most of what I do is an attempt to grab people with colors and say “isn’t this lovely?” There’s no statement or deeper meaning. I kind of don’t think there needs to be. People don’t walk away from drawings philosophically engaged, they don’t remember a clever argument they had to read a card to understand. But just the image, light and texture, that lingers in memory, that’s what this is for.
I Want Me Some: I don’t have an online store, or any prints or other items at the moment. The drawings are all for sale though. I can be contacted through my website, twitter, or inside SG. Feel free to follow, sling comments or inquiries at me through any of those channels. Thanks!