by Alexander Hinkley for Examiner
This week’s SuicideGirl gamer of the week is the stunningly beautiful Bounty Suicide. She loves music, video games, and music in video games.
What made you choose the SG name “Bounty?”
Honestly, I wanted something easy to remember. But I also liked what the word bounty meant.
Your tattoos are pretty freakin’ cool. Is there any symbolism behind them?
All of my tattoos are based on religion, aside from Paul McCartney’s portrait. Then again, some might say that I obsess over The Beatles religiously hahaha.
What was the first tattoo you ever got?
The first tattoo I ever got is an anchor on my right foot that reads, “Anchored in Christ.”
What do you like to do for fun?
Some things I like to do for fun outside of modeling include traveling and going to shows! I’m a total music junkie!
What kind of music do you listen to?
I listen to all types of music, from The Beatles to Marilyn Manson. Different styles of music mesh well with different types of moods.
Do you like music-based video games?
I love Rock Band and Guitar Hero. The Beatles: Rock Band is definitely my favorite, though.
Which is your favorite Rock Band instrument?
My favorite Rock Band instrument would have to be the drums. I think I was meant to actually be a drummer. It holds my attention well. Haha.
You mentioned you liked going to shows. What was the last concert you attended?
The last concert I attended was a local acoustic show. I could listen to acoustic all day.
Name your top three favorite video games of all-time.
My top three favorite video games of all-time would have to be Super Mario World (for Super Nintendo), F3AR, and ATV Offroad Fury 2. The last one is kind of random, considering that I’m really into games where I’m able to slaughter the undead, etc., but the soundtrack is so legit.
What is the best zombie game, in your opinion?
I really used to love the Resident Evil games, but they’re just too easy to beat. Left4Dead is probably my favorite now.
What is your stance on sex in video games?
Sex in video games? Well, it’s the best! My Sims were like rabbits. Perhaps that’s how I broke my PlaysStation. Too much virtual intercourse. The prostitutes in Grand Theft Auto are pretty cool too.
What would you say to a girl (or guy) that says playing video games is “too nerdy”?
I would tell them that their opinion is irrelevant to my life, and challenge them to verse me in Tekken.
Where can fans find more of you?
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