Jan 2013 24

by Nahp

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Rogue Suicide in Wild Things]

This week Rogue tells us why she loves to hang with Harry Potter and the SG Hogwarts crew.

Members: 2,323 / Comments: 28,676

WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: Well Harry Potter is pretty much my obsession

DISCUSSION TIP: Just be yourself and jump right into talking with everyone!

MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: Don’t think I have found one, but these pics of Soya Suicide from the Scarification thread are pretty hot!

BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “Actually, the main characters in the Potterverse are around 25…Harry was actually born in 1980,
 so, technically, they’re ALL legal. 


I want me some Draco. Mmm.” ~ excerpted from the “who would you” thread.

WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Everyone! Though respect allegiances when entering the Slytherin Common Room – “No Mudbloods Allowed!!!”
