SG Gamer Of The Week: Jeckyl Suicide1
Posted In All Things SG,Blog,Entertainment,Gaming,Geek,Internuts
by Alex Hinkley
This week’s SG Gamer of the Week is Jeckyl. She is a hardcore girl that has a not-so-secret nerdy side to her. Jeckyl loves Star Wars and owning face in Call of Duty. I talked to her about some of her favorite games and what she thinks of Disney taking over the Star Wars franchise.
So tell me about your SG nickname, Jeckyl. The first thing that comes to mind is Doctor Jeckyl…
Yeah that’s exactly where the name comes from. My Suicide Girls persona is sort of like my alter ego, like a Jekyll and Hyde thing. I like to think that Jeckyl is the opposite of me and that, as Jeckyl, I get to act out all the things I’d be too shy to do as myself.
What are some of your favorite games of all-time?
Alice: Madness Returns, Super Mario Brothers, and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
What about favorite current games?
Black Ops 2, Assassins Creed 3, and FIFA 13.
So I take it you are a soccer fan? Do you like any other sports?
I am yes. Soccer players are very nice to look at. =P Occasionally I’ll watch rugby or hockey, but I’m really more into roller derby. It’s my favorite sport!
PS3 or Xbox 360?
Are you into online gaming or are you more of a campaign type girl?
Online. I like to kick ass.
I’m sure all the Black Ops 2 players reading this will want to know, what’s your k/d?
1.75. I’ve been thinking of getting it tattooed on my arm as a testament to my awesomeness.
Your profile says you live in South Africa. Tell me about what it’s like living there from a gaming perspective. Do video games cost more there? Does the internet suck?
The internet is a real pain here. It went down about three times today already. I don’t think games are more expensive but some games we don’t have yet so we have to order from overseas and shipping can get pretty pricey. Gaming seems to be growing here though, we even have an annual gaming convention called Rage where we get to play and sample all the latest stuff, it’s really rad.
You mentioned Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was one of your all-time faves, does this mean you are a huge Star Wars fan in general?
I am, yes, a closet fan though. Being a nerd kinda contradicts my hardcore alternative image. But Star Wars is a classic, and I’m a sucker for the classics. Also Hayden Christensen is a dish.
Of course you know what I have to ask next. Favorite Star Wars movie?
I really liked The Clone Wars but with some reservations. The Clone Wars animated series was surprisingly good, too. Much better than the movie. Yoda was pretty kick ass.
How do you feel about Disney acquiring Star Wars?
I’m actually kind of excited to see what Disney does with it. I really lost faith in Lucas Films after a few glitches they passed off as movies these last few years. I think it’s a really awesome way to introduce Star Wars to a newer generation that grew up without it. And really nothing beats Star Wars on the big screen so I’m definitely looking forward to next movies!
If you could make your own video game, what would you make?
Probably a cross between Black Ops 2 and Assassin’s Creed 3. It would be really cool to combine the storyline and killing styles in Assassin’s Creed with the machinery from Black Ops. People’s minds would melt from awesome overload.
For more on Jeckyl visit her SuicideGirls‘ profile and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.