by Tara Diane
So this was definitely a new experiment for me, but I think they turned out pretty well! I wanted to make something that looked really unappealing and tasted really good, and I feel like that was accomplished in the creepy eyeball recipe below :]
What You’ll Need
- 1 small box of cherry Jell-O
- Red and Brown food coloring for the Jell-O (optional, but makes it look better)
- 1 bag white chocolate chips (12 oz. bag is fine)
- 3 tablespoons of heavy cream
- 5 tablespoons of butter
- A pinch of salt
- Red, black, and green or blue food coloring for the eyeballs
1. Make up your Jell-O as per the directions on the box, then add in a little extra red and brown food coloring to make the color extra bloody. You won’t use very much Jell-O for this recipe, so I’d recommend keeping half to eat and putting the half needed for the eyeballs in something very shallow (I used cupcake molds filled up half way).
2. For the truffles, we are using this recipe. Pour 3 tablespoons of whipping cream, 5 tablespoons of butter, a pinch of salt, and 1 cup of white chocolate chips into a microwavable bowl. Microwave in 30 second intervals, stirring in between,until the chocolate chips are almost melted.
3. Put the Jell-O and truffle bowl in the refrigerator for at least three hours. In the meantime, ogle some sexy ladies.
4. Once your truffles are hard (wink) and your Jell-O is solid, take them out. Make small, hollow semi-circles out of the truffle dough, put a little Jell-O inside, then seal with another semi-circle. You only need to put in about half a teaspoon of Jell-O. Think of the truffle dough as an eggshell and the Jell-O as a yolk, if that makes more sense. When you have the Jell-O sealed inside, gently roll the balls around in your hand until they are nice and smooth.
5. In three bowls, melt two or three tablespoons of white chocolate. Heat for around twenty to 30 seconds, until melted. Dye one bowl red, one green or blue, and one black. Use a spoon to trickle the red chocolate over the truffle (to make it look bloodshot), then make a large green or blue circle, and a smaller black circle inside of that.
You now have a pretty disgusting but delicious Halloween dessert! You could probably do this same recipe with maraschino cherries, but I don’t like them. So try that out and tell me how it goes.
Hope you have a fun week of pre-Halloween festivities!
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[…] Bacon Frostin Doing it with Tara: Mutual Rasterbation Doing It With Tara: A Very Cheesy Tutorial Doing It With Tara: White Chocolate Eyeball Truffles Doing it with Tara: Fun With 7 Inches and Caulk Blood Doing it with Tara: Macaroni and Cheese […]