Dec 2010 21
by Jensen
Hey guys! Super easy tutorial this week for a string covered bulletin board. This is a really inexpensive and a nice way to show off cards, postcards, notes, whatevz. I almost feel silly making a tutorial for this, since all you do is wrap a fuck ton of string around a frame, but I’m doing it anyway!
What You’ll Need
- Three of four different yarns. Thick, thin, a whole skein, half a skein – just whatever you have lying around or whatever is cheap at the store.
- A wooden frame. I used the frame from an old canvas and just took the canvas off of it. A large picture frame would probably work well also.
- Scissors.
1. Tightly wrap a bunch of yarn around the frame.
2.Tightly wrap more yarn around the frame.
3. Hang it up and stick shit in it.
I told you it was easy!
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[…] Doing It With Jensen: Chocolate Chip Beer Waffles Doing it With Jensen: Homemade Hot Chocolate Doing it With Jensen: Tangled Yarn Bulletin Board Doing It With Tara: Jello Shots. Literally. Doing It With Tara: String Lamp Thing Doing it with […]
[…] Doing It With Jensen: Chocolate Chip Beer Waffles Doing it With Jensen: Homemade Hot Chocolate Doing it With Jensen: Tangled Yarn Bulletin Board Doing It With Tara: Jello Shots. Literally. Doing It With Tara: String Lamp Thing Doing it with […]