5 Go Pink In One Day!3
Posted In All Things SG,Blog
September 9, 2010 was a red-letter day for SG, with five beautiful ladies going pink. “What made this particular day so extraordinary is the fact that all five girls have been longtime members of the site,” explains SG Model Coordinator Rambo. “Eclipse, Akito, and HollyStar’s sets had all been in Member Review for 6-plus months, and Fabrizia has submitted SIX sets to Member Review over the past two years.”
Our congratulations go out to Akito, Auriga, Eclipse, Fabrizia and HollyStar, who will each receive a lifetime membership to the site, $500 and a super cute gift pack full of SG goodies. “The girls are all very diverse with regards to age, ethnicity, and location,” notes Rambo, “and are a wonderful representations of what SG is all about!”
For those who are not familiar with the pink process (ie. how hopefuls become fully fledged Suicide Girls), here’s a brief explanation: After a hopeful submits a potential set, the shots are screened to check the quality is up to par. Once a set is accepted, it then goes into Member Review, where SG members only can view the images and leave comments. Sets that get really great feedback from our community will be queued as a Set of the Day, and the girl will officially “go pink” and become a Suicide Girl.