TUNE IN to @SuicideGirls on Twitter RIGHT NOW for a special interactive Q&A session! Ask SuicideGirls the questions you’ve always wanted to know the answers to but were afraid to ask. Our theme for this first #AskSG session is dating!
Our ladies (Katherine, Clio, Radeo, Bob, Gogo, Nahp, Arabella, Shotgun, Lass, Dwam, AnnaLee and Rambo) will be responding in person to selected questions via YouTube. Tweet @SuicideGirls and include the #ASKSG hashtag along with your question! We’ll upload our responses ASAP on the SuicideGirls’ YouTube Channel and will tweet out the links.
Happy tweeting!
Many of you have been asking: How does one become a Suicide Girl
– Rambo Suicide aka @sincerelyrambo answers:
@GodzillaV asks: I’m shy and find it hard to talk to girls, any advice?
– Nahp Suicide aka @nahpsuicide responds live:
@medicstudent360 asks: Any advice for a struggling photographer trying to get work?
– Rambo Suicide aka @sincerelyrambo responds:
@MatthewZielonka asks: Why do girls like jerks, not nice guys?
– Bob Suicide aka @bobsuicide responds:
@DiegoGerardoBer asks: Will you party with other country [music] fans like a party tour around the world?
– Shotgun Suicide aka @shotgunsuicide says: