Believe it or Not, We’re Gaming Online: The Rise of the Female Gamer4
Posted In Blog,Entertainment,Gaming,Geek,Internuts
by Bob Suicide
Generally, I’m the first person to lecherously nod and mumble “breast physics” when a new game like Soul Caliber comes out – which means I’m the last person to be leading the charge at the feminist forefront that is “hardcore girl gaming.” I have thoroughly entrenched myself in the male-gaming mindset: I want my explosions epic, my ladies sexy, and my multi-players noob-free.
However, every once in a while someone emails me just the right words to make me turn into the feminist Hulk, “Bob SMASH!”
The “right words” being something along the lines of: “It’s hard to believe that there are still female gamers…” (Name redacted to protect the sexist!)
What I find hard to believe is that there’s so little acknowledgment of the female presence in the gaming community. Gaming girls are not a dying breed; they’re not unicorns. They exist and their numbers are growing all the time.
While Australia hasn’t always treated video games with the respect they deserve, a study found that a whopping 46% of gamers in the land down under were female. By the end of this year, that same Interactive Australia 2009 study projected that the gender split for gamers would reach 50/50. In case you have trouble believing the words of a ‘lil ole female, here’s the complete report that shows the steady-fucking-increase of females in the gaming community.
Believe it.
Furthermore, here in the US the Entertainment Software Association said 40% of all game players are women, up from 38% in 2006. In fact women over the age of 18 represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (33%) than boys age 17 or younger (18%). And, ESA’s State of Gaming report predicts that this demographic shift will continue in the ensuing years.
Believe it.
And, if fancy numbers don’t sway you, take it from me:
Speaking as a female who own’s the Girl Gamer group, appears on every person’s XBL in a video for Community Games, and blogs regularly about hardcore gaming topics.
Believe it.
The SuicideGirls Girl Gamer Group, specifically, is about 642 members strong. And, let me tell you, we’re strong! Everything from iPhone games all the way through hardcore console titles, MMOs, and game development is discussed within our threads. It’s not for the casual-of-heart.
Finally, after all of this, I hope you understand why the statement, “It’s hard to believe that there are still female gamers,” is uninformed and idiotic. We’re not going anywhere (accept online to frag your ass back to the menu screen).
The ranks of women are projected to equal those of men in the gaming world by the end of this year, and will likely dominate in the not so distant future if the trend continues. So, start preparing to welcome your new overlords…or, ahem, ladies.
Believe it!