Blade Runner Gets New Legs0
Posted In Blog,Entertainment,Movies
by A.J. Focht
The movie industry thrives off of innovative and unique ideas. When those are nowhere to be found, they turn to milking their original storylines with sequels, prequels, and remakes. Now it looks like producers at the Warner Bros. distributed Alcon Entertainment (The Book of Eli) are seeking to disturb the sanctity of Ridley Scott’s sci-fi classic Blade Runner.
In the fashion of Tron 2, Alcon Entertainment is looking to expand on the Bladerunner storyline, extending the narrative to include events that preceded and succeeded those depicted in the original – though there’s currently no discussion of a direct remake (thank Cthulu). Andrew Kosove and Broderick Johnson, co-founders and co-CEO’s of Alcon Entertainment, are looking to produce the film with the help of original Blade Runner co-executive producer Bud Yorkin.
Meanwhile, as an ironic footnote to the Blade Runner news, it has also been confirmed, after much debate, that Ridley Scott’s Prometheus will function as a prequel to his original Alien film. As with Alien, Prometheus will feature the terrifying xenomorphs, though it’s been revealed they’ll look considerably different from the one that burst forth from Sigourney Weaver’s belly all those years ago.