Nov 2012 22
Britain’s Got Talent Runner-Up Launches New Record With #susAnalBumParty0
Posted In Blog,Entertainment,Music
by Blogbot
As one twitter joker put it, it was either a horrible mistake or an act of media genius when the PR team behind former Britain’s Got Talent contestant Susan Boyle decided to launch her new album, Standing Ovation, with a very special #susanalbumparty.
However, since the folks at @SusanBoyleHQ have yet to comment on the intention behind the tweet, we can only take it at face value and offer our own standing ovation to the 51-year old Grammy-award winning singer for finally giving voice to her true passion.
Given that there’s apparently a daring SuicideGirl lurking within Susan Boyle, we’d like to offer her an honorary membership to SG, since we think she’ll feel right at home in our Ass Appreciation and Anal Sex groups.