You’ve already heard me bemoan that dating is hard to do. But you know what’s even harder? Finding the time to go on the first date.
In between juggling multiple jobs, after-hours networking events, reading comics, flying to different conventions, squeezing in time for my online and offline friends, making use of that xbox, searching the interwebs for deals on Hoodie-Footies and making sure peeps don’t spoil the recently-released movie, I’m certain I have negative amounts of time left over to dedicate to find Mr. Right, or even Mr. Right Now.
Well, if you’re on the same boat as I am, or if your personality sucks (just kidding! I heart you!), there are peeps out there who’ll make sure we’re on the right path to finding the one, or at least getting laid a fair amount each month.
It’s time we start outsourcing the work.
Could Virtual Dating Assistants be our modern day Cupid? Possibly.
For $600 a month, their snazzy writing skills guarantee you at least two dates, some insider tips and not much else.
While the self-misrepresentation and chunk of change you’d lose is enough to keep others at bay, it’s Virtual Dating Assistants’ mission statement and their sterile approach to dating that’s turned off this girl.
I would rather have lose a couple more hours in sleep mulling over my dating profile and writing and rewriting every message as long as I get to keep all the fun, excitement and nervous anticipation that comes along with searching for Wonderboy.
As I save those Benjamins for products of self-love, share with me in the comments section if you yourself have outsourced dating assistance or if you would or wouldn’t turn your love life over to a digital Cupid.