by Jensen
I don’t know about you, but I tend to get really cheesy around Christmas time. Homemade, messy and campy crafts are high on my list of favorite things this season. Today we are doing an ornament project. These are great for kids, or just a fun thing to do for broke couples celebrating their first Christmas together :].
What You’ll Need
- 2 1/2 cups flour
- 1/4 cup veggie oil
- 1/2 cup salt
- 1 cup warm water
- Cooking sheet, oven, rolling pen, mixing bowl, whisk, parchment paper (paper optional)
- Acrylic paint, paint brushes, glitter pens (pens optional)
1. In a large bowl, whisk up 1 cup of flour, 1/2 cup salt, and 1 cup of water. Once that is combined, add in another cup of flour and 1/4 cup of vegetable oil. At this point you will need to start using your hands to mix, by folding and kneading the dough. Fold in the last half cup of flour, and you should get a nice playdoh-y texture.
(This is a modified play-doh recipe, do not eat it!! I know you will be tempted to try it, since it is food and you’re a chunkass, but seriously, it tastes like pure salt and will make you want to vom.)
2. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Roll the dough out and use your super festive-y cookie cutters to cut shapes into the dough. Use a safety pin to make a small hole at the top of each ornament where the ribbon will go through later. Place the cut dough on a cookie sheet (lined with parchment paper, if you want to make your life easier).
3. Bake for an hour. Yes, a whole effing hour – or until the dough is hard as dick. You might want to start checking them every ten minutes after they’ve been in the oven for half an hour. I don’t actually know what it takes to overcook them; if they’re a little brown, it’s still fine. Take them out and let them cool for about fifteen minutes.
4. Paint the ornaments in fun colors, using acrylic paint. I used glitter pens to add accents, but if you aren’t into sparklee things then you can just paint your accents, whatever floats your boat.
5. Let the ornaments dry and tie some ribbon through them! (I would have a picture of the finished product, but I’m running super late on my blog this week and they aren’t dry yet, oops!).
Hope you guys are enjoying December! See you next week :].