by Jensen
Ahhh, I haven’t done a post for so long! I finally feel like I’m catching the blog bug again though, so look forward to some new Doing it with Jensen posts :].
Anyways, I saw this amazing ‘Red Velvet Brownie Recipe‘ and decided I 100% needed to make it immediately. They were very easy to make and turned out delicious! I followed the directions pretty closely, though I made my own cream cheese white chocolate frosting instead of the buttercream frosting. The frosting recipe is listed below! I don’t really feel right just copying and pasting the brownie recipe, or putting it into my own words when their version is just fine, so go over there for the step by step directions.
I’m sort of a professional at giving “come hither” over-the-shoulder glances while cracking an egg with one hand. Just an FYI.
I don’t think you can use too much red food coloring when making red velvet cake. I want to see red tongues for days after eating this shit. DAYS.
Hours later and the red dye hasn’t washed off of my hands. Or tongue. Or teeth. Also, obligatory slutty looking spatula lick picture.
This Wilton baking pan is PERFECT for making brownies. This is the first time I used it on them and I don’t think I can go back. I’m always worried about burning the edges while also being worried about having the center raw, in a regular pan. This pan guarantees that they’ll be perfect. Fuck-up proof brownie pan!
Frosting Time
What You’ll Need
- 1 8 oz package of cream cheese
- 6 oz white baking chocolate
- 2 tbsps whipping cream
- 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
Melt the white chocolate in the microwave in 20 second intervals. When the chocolate is *almost* melted (you don’t have to melt it all the way), throw all of the ingredients into a mixer and mix the shit out of it for a minute or two. Put the frosting in the fridge for about an hour to harder back up. Slather it on the brownies ;].
Deliciously fluffy frosting.
These were probably some of the best brownies I’ve ever had, and definitely the best brownies I’ve made myself. I’m not a huge fan of brownies, generally, but these fuckers proved me wrong. Hope you guys try out the recipe!
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[…] Doing It With Jensen: Red Velvet Brownies […]
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