From The Archives: Evan Rachel Wood – Wrestling With Fame0
Posted In Blog,Entertainment,Interviews,Movies
by Fred Topel
“Darren and Mickey and I all decided that we were going to keep our distance…”
– Evan Rachel Wood
Evan Rachel Wood has a lot to say about a little role in The Wrestler. She only appears in two scenes in the movie, but they are pivotal. She plays the estranged daughter of Randy “The Ram” Robinson (Mickey Rourke), a professional wrestler who continues to prove hes an unreliable dad as he has flings with strippers and groupies on the road. Off the set, rumors were that Rourke and Wood were having a fling of their own.
After clarifying that situation, among others, during a day of press for the Darren Aronofsky-directed film, Wood relaxed for a tête-à-tête with SG, kicking her shoes off and curling up on a Four Seasons sofa. Her hair is now bright red, after her raven-haired stint with Marilyn Manson ended. The recently adopted kitten Nicodemus kept her company.
“My aunt calls him a cat in a rabbit suit,” Wood said. “It’s a Devon Rex. They don’t have dander so if you’re allergic to cats you can still be around them.” Wood, however, is not allergic.
As a child actor, Wood never did the fluffy kiddie movies. Only Practical Magic could pass for cute. The TV series Once and Again was acclaimed for its mature depiction of families of divorce. Her portrayal of an under-bad-influence teenager in Thirteen ensured she got first pick of any edgy indie movie roles. Most recently, she won acclaim singing Beatles songs in Across the Universe, an ambitious musical film set against the backdrop of the Vietnam War.
After The Wrestler, Wood will be playing the role of Mary Jane in the Spider-Man Broadway musical for her Across the Universe director Julie Taymor, who is returning to her theatrical roots. The film Wood shot for Woody Allen, Whatever Works
also comes out next year.
Read our exclusive interview with Evan Rachel Wood on SuicideGirls.com/.