“You can protest all day, but you gotta go drinking at night.”
– Al Jourgensen
Al Jourgensen has just released the last chapter in the annals of his nearly three decade-long career as the self-professed maniac behind industrial godfathers Ministry. It’s appropriately titled The Last Sucker and also serves as the final piece in Ministrys trilogy of albums attacking the Bush Administration and the United States current political system. Al is also throwing one last party, in the shape of a world tour and a party album of covers, before he splits to allow fans a chance to say goodbye and dance with him on Ministry’s grave.
Jourgensen chatted with Aaron Detroit about his plans post-Ministry, the 2008 Presidential elections, and why he’s looking forward to being the mysterious producer guy that wears a cloak around town.
Read our exclusive interview with Al Jourgensen on SuicideGirls.com.