From the Archives: Duncan Jones (a.k.a. Zowie Bowie) – Moon1
Posted In Blog,Entertainment,Interviews,Movies
by Ryan Stewart
“If you met yourself in person, would you see only faults?”
-Duncan Jones
If the new film Moon puts you in mind of David Bowie’s lyrical, space-is-a-lonely-place ballad, “Space Oddity,” that’s probably not a total coincidence – it was directed by his 38 year-old son, Duncan Jones, who formerly went under the much less conservative name, Zowie Bowie. After years of directing commercials and trying to move on from what he describes as a youth marked by isolation and periods of self-discovery, Jones has emerged with a new identity as a respected indie filmmaker.
His feature debut, Moon, which wowed crowds at Sundance, is a haunting, poetic, science-fiction drama about a solitary astronaut who operates a mining station on the far side of the moon, roughly ten years in the future. Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) is days away from completing a three-year rotation and returning to his wife and child when bizarre happenings begin to occur on the lunar station, including power glitches and strange behavior on the part of his robot companion, Gerty (voiced by Kevin Spacey), culminating in the shocking arrival of another human being at the base – himself.
SuicideGirls recently sat down with Duncan Jones to talk about Moon and the possibilities of space travel. Please note that this interview contains massive, unavoidable spoilers for Moon.
Read our exclusive interview with Duncan Jones on SuicideGirls.com.