by Ryan Stewart
“A lot of my life depends on what male actors are gonna be doing.”
– Elizabeth Banks
If you’re Sam Raimi, you have an interesting little dilemma to solve. One constant of the three Spider-Man films has been the Betty Brant character, a Peter Parker-smitten secretary who pops in for a couple of quick minutes to bat an eyelash at Peter or take a dig at her Daily Bugle boss, J. Jonah Jameson, before disappearing again. No one suspected, when the last film completed lensing in early 2006, that by the time pre-production on a fourth one rolled around, Elizabeth Banks, the actress who plays Betty, would have mushroomed into a bonafide A-list actress with starring roles in Oliver Stone’s W. and Kevin Smith’s Zack and Miri Make a Porno under her belt. The rumor mill has been heating up lately with talk that Raimi may pursue the obvious solution of expanding the Betty Brant role into a lead part in Spider-Man 4, but for now it’s just talk.
Last week, on the morning the Oscar nominations were announced, Elizabeth Banks dialed up SuicideGirls to chat about one of her other recent projects, The Uninvited, a remake of the Korean horror film A Tale of Two Sisters, which has the distinction of being the favorite film of horror directing maestro James Gunn, among others. The raw, disturbing story of an intrusive stepmother who makes life miserable for the teen daughters of her new husband, The Uninvited is a sharp break from the actress’s usual comedic repertoire. Here’s our interview with Banks, in which we discuss the film and her current vantage point as one of Hollywood’s true up and comers.
Read our exclusive interview with Elizabeth Banks on SuicideGirls.com/.