From The Archives: Jesika von Rabbit and Todd Rutherford – Gram Rabbit0
Posted In Blog,Entertainment,Interviews,Music
“All this meaningless, worthless input beamed into kids brains. Where is…”
– Todd Rutherford
Gram Rabbit is not your average band. They’re not writing the kind of boring, junk pop standards that you hear on the radio or see performed on the ubiquitous “Late Night” shows. Instead, the Joshua Tree-based band is constantly striving to push the boundaries of rock, pop, and electronic music.
Their first two albums, Music to Start a Cult to and Cultivation, were lyrically inspired and musically complex. Their third album, Radio Angel and the Robot Beat, plays like the soundtrack to a darkly-edged dance party, and offers the same adventurous variety of styles and sounds.
You can listen to some of the tracks on their website, then pick it up on CDBaby and throw your own “naked dance party.”
I caught up with Jesika von Rabbit and Todd Rutherford, the band’s co-founders, when they were recently in LA for the RadioAngel release party. They discussed the evolution of their music, the recent addition of longtime producer Ethan Allen (The 88, Luscious Jackson, Patti Griffin) to the band, and what the future holds.
Read our exclusive interview with Gram Rabbit’s Jesika von Rabbit and Todd Rutherford on SuicideGirls.com.