by Ryan Stewart
“We torture for profit. You can’t get any lower than that.”
-John Cusack
John Cusack is going to say anything he pleases, and if you’re smart you won’t try to stop him. He attributes the genesis of his new anti-war film, War, Inc., to the moment seven years ago when Bush administration spokesman Ari Fleischer had the gall to look Americans in the eye and tell them that they “better watch what they say.”
“I was like, ‘Oh, right. Fuck you!'” Cusack says, calling up SuicideGirls during a break on a London film set to vent about his many frustrations, ranging from the snake-oil strategems of corporate America to the seemingly eternal occupation of Iraq.
War, Inc. is a broad, often over-the-top satire about a hit man in the near future – he pilots his own futuristic single-occupant aircraft – who finds himself on the payroll of a mega-corporation that is literally running a fictional Middle Eastern country called Turaqistan. Marisa Tomei and Hillary Duff handle the female leads, while a number of notable names turn up in smaller roles throughout the film, including Ben Kingsley putting on a Texas drawl, which must be worth the ticket price alone.
Read our exclusive interview with John Cusack on SuicideGirls.com.