“I’ve been looking at my address book and its fatter now than it ever was before.”
– Tilda Swinton
In the movies Tilda Swinton comes off very angel-like and that’s not a pun for Hellblazer fans. She seems very delicate with a strong touch of pathos, though in person she’s warm, sweet, very funny and all business. But I suppose when an actor has sheparded a passion project for five years like Swinton did with Thumbsucker you need to be that way sometimes.
Swinton plays Audrey Cobb, a woman with two children. At the age of 17 her son, Justin, still sucks his thumb. She wonders how she could possibly be grownup with a son going to college. In her early 40s, she is, like Justin, struggling to find out who she is and to accept her shortcomings. As a mother she knows that she doesn’t have all the answers to Justin’s troubles, and that she is sometimes too busy dealing with her own doubts to help him. Audrey hides from these realities through an obsession with a TV heartthrob, Matt Schraam [Benjamin Bratt], whose TV character seems to have all the neat answers.
Read our exclusive interview with Tilda Swinton on SuicideGirls.com.