by Star Padilla
I need an answer to a question that’s boggled my mind for some time now: Is it truly bad of me to date someone whom I can tell genuinely likes me more than I like him?
“Sure the guy from last night was cute and seemed pretty cool, but long term I don’t think I can see this going anywhere.”
Now in my defense, that’s my first impression. We all know it takes time for another to ‘grow’ on us for lack of better words. In this situation I’m thinking maybe, if I keep him around, though he may not initially have been my type, this could possibly go somewhere because I know he’s a great catch. Or am I’m being selfish and trying too hard to make it something it’s just not?
[Tragique & Viking in Sick Sad World]
I’ve gotten a little flack in regard to this question from passing conversations with friends (guys and girls) and some have said that it’s somewhat stringing the other along. If I’m not ‘feeling it’ then I need to cut my ties.
As of lately, I’ve been re-evaluating my views on relationships and though I’d love to be in a healthy relationship, the truth is, I think the idea kinda freaks me out for countless reasons. Call me crazy but I prefer and feel more comfortable when liking a guy a bit more than he likes me and having a slight doubt to whether or not we’re on that same level.
So back to my initial question. Do you think it’s wrong to date a person if you can tell he or she is more into you than you are into him? Or do you think there will always be an imbalance- that someone will ultimately like the other more, at first, but if given the chance and opportunity to move forward things could quite possibly even out?
What’s your take on this?