Dear Bunny,
I recently IM’d a friend of my girlfriend, just to be nice. I said “hello” and asked her how her weekend was. That was it. Her friend replied “hello,” but was then silent. Shortly after, I endured an hour long lecture from my sobbing girlfriend over the phone about how it made her friend uncomfortable that I would try to contact her at all, and that I needed to understand that her friends would never see me as anything more than their friend’s boyfriend, and that I shouldn’t ever try to reach out to them.
It caught me off guard, because this particular friend previously spent a lot of time studying with us throughout the semester. What’s with girls and their BBFs?
Inappropriately Friendly, Atlanta
Dear IFA,
Peep this: your girlfriend is out of her fucking mind and so is her drama queen BFF. Plenty of women are nice, cool, funny, and not bone chillingly insecure psychopaths who cringe at the thought of contact with their man.
Furthermore, you SHOULD be friends with your girlfriend’s friends – it’s normal and healthy. Personally, my best friend is heavenly, and I’d be confused if my man didn’t understand what an amazing, wonderful person she is. They’re good friends, as well they should be, and I’m not threatened by that because he loves me and so does she.
If she’s so competitive and insane that she can’t trust anyone in her life, find a new girlfriend who isn’t a hater. I don’t care how hot she is. You don’t deserve to be treated like a creep if you’re an honest guy. Hell no.
Girls aren’t crazy.
ex oh ex,
[Vivid Suicide in Volatile]
Dear Bunny,
I have the most wonderful boyfriend on the planet and I love him more than anyone in the universe! That being said, I only get to see him for about 2 months a year due to his job. He is okay with me having girlfriends in his absence. I’ve tried a few lesbian bars in Nashville with no luck. I get the phrase, “You seem so straight” quite a bit. I guess this is because I’m pretty fem (and hot), however I have had more than a few relationships with women and I think they are delightful and attractive and fun! I guess what I’m trying to ask is if you have any dating advice for a lady looking for another like-minded lady friend. I live on a farm an hour outside of Nashville and trying around my neck of the woods is out of the question as every lady in a 50 mile radius has multiple kids and missing teeth. Help!
Unlucky in Love, TN
Dear UIL,
Your lack of hot, hot action is a crime against nature and a moral outrage. I’m getting on the next plane to Tennessee. I’ve attached 85 quality nudes and my phone number. Meet me the airport in 10 hours.
ex oh ex,
If you need relationship advice, please write to me at meltingdolls@gmail.com. I will respond here to the best of my ability. I will keep all of your information anonymous and try to offer you a sincere and straight forward response. I might mock you if you’re a tool, but I will do so with a good, friendly nature.
And If I fail to relay something decent, don’t blame me, hot shot — you’re the one writing to the SuicideGirls for relationship advice…