From The Archives: Rob Corddry – Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay0
Posted In Comedy,Entertainment,Interviews,Movies
“Sarcasm is probably the lowest art form.”
-Rob Corddry
Last time we met Harold and Kumar, they journeyed across the state of New Jersey in search of the ultimate White Castle burger to satisfy a case of the munchies. Over the course of one, extremely long night, the pair triumphed over adversity, got their burgers and emerged Americas coolest bong-ripping duo since Cheech and Chong.
Now Harold and Kumar are back with a new adventure, except this time the stakes are higher as they hop a fight to Amsterdam – the weed capital of the world – and find themselves imprisoned as suspected terrorists after trying to sneak a smokeless bong on board.
Alongside usual suspects John Cho (Harold), Kal Penn (Kumar) and a rowdy Neil Patrick Harris (as himself), Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay introduces us to the villainous Ron Fox – played by Rob Corddry – a racist, overzealous homeland security agent who makes it his mission to keep our unsung heroes behind bars.
As a senior correspondent for The Daily Show and in films like The Ten and Semi-Pro, Rob Corddry stole every scene and the same can be said for his role in this Harold & Kumar sequel. SuicideGirls caught up with Corddry at his home in Los Angeles to chat about playing the villain, busting shoplifters and the finer things in prison like toilet-meth.
Read our exclusive interview with Rob Corddry on SuicideGirls.com.