by Morgan
Hello again, fellow gamers! This month I’d like to bring you a variety of very different games, ranging from cute to badass. I’ve spent a lot of time this month neglecting WoW but playing some extremely fun games nonetheless. Here’s a selection of the best games I’ve played recently:
1. Touch Cats – iOS devices – Free
Most gamers have some sort of guilty pleasure game they enjoy. For me it’s pet simulation games. Sadly there aren’t many good free ones available. That’s why I was delighted to discover Touch Cats! It’s a basic pet game: you feed, groom and play with the cats you adopt to increase their happiness bar. You can check in on the game once a week or many times a day, though, with the game’s daily goals, checking in a couple of times a day has its rewards. There’s a lot about the game that makes me recommend it. At the top of the list are the missions you can send your cats on. Your cats can regularly search your virtual home for coins and items, and the items can be used for detective and rescue missions the animals can go on to collect rewards (generally clothing items and coins). Connected to this is another plus: the social aspect of the game. You can complete these missions solo or recruit friends and random users to help you. Once you’ve added friends you can also send your cats to visit other kitties in your neighborhood. All in all, Touch Cats is a simple yet adorable and addictive game.
2. Eternity Warriors – iOS devices – Free
Eternity Warriors is made by Glu Games, a company I’ve recommended before for their game Hero Project. They’ve made another free gem, and this one is even better! Imagine Diablo or Torchlight stripped of a storyline and skill trees, and you’ve got the gameplay for Eternity Warriors: pure hack and slash action with huge gorram weapons. You play through waves upon waves of enemies until your character dies, then cash in their souls in a forge to buy new badass items before you once again dive into battle. Your skills do upgrade depending on your weapon, and some of them are fantastic. The game also lets you pair up with friends, which should be an excellent feature as more players are added. I downloaded this game and ended up with sore thumbs because I was instantly addicted.
3. Vanessa Saint-Pierre Delacroix and Her Nightmare – PC – $9.99
I have to admit, I was a bit proud of myself about this one. The day it went up on Big Fish Games I got it, played it, and thought “I have to put this in my next column!” Two days later I saw that PAX 10 had listed it as one of the ‘Best Indie Games of All Time,’ so I feel pretty validated in my love of this game. In this unique puzzle game, you play a misunderstood girl who must get her world out of an oddly shaped world by navigating it with Rubix-cube style twists in as few turns as possible. If you are a fan of puzzle games in general, this innovative one is worth dropping ten bucks on. Also notable is it’s interesting old-school styling (it’s the first time in ages that I’ve seen a DOS window open up while starting a game) that makes you remember that not every game needs a mouse to be played.
4. Prose With Bros – iOS devices – Free
I’m really not sure how to describe Prose With Bros, except to tell you that it is really, really fun. It’s a word game in which you are given a set of fridge-magnet words, which you must put together into “Prose” –– ie. a short sentence or poem. Before you do this, you can select an opponent or have one randomly assigned to you. Then the community votes on which line of prose is better. Each time you load up the game you can also vote on the prose that has been submitted by other users, many of which are completely hilarious. You can also give and get kudos for especially good submissions, pass-and-play to create a prose with a friend, and, as with all apps now, tweet your victories. If you love word games, you’ll enjoy this one and will especially enjoy trying to top your best proses. My best so far? It’s a tie between “cuddly assassins are mysteriously wonderful” or “the perpetually diabolical hamster is nobody to play with.”
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