NEW SG Interview: Andy Bell of Erasure – The Violet Flame0
Posted In Blog,Entertainment,Favorites,Interviews,Music
In spiritual teachings, the violet flame is a divine transcendent force that transmutes the negative and transforms it into a positive. It’s therefore a fitting name for Erasure’s sixteenth studio album, which was released on September 23rd, 2014. Though the effervescent synth-pop grooves are nothing short of a party, the lyrics hint at darker times.
As Andy tells me in our phone interview (which took place on the eve of the album’s release), following the death of his manager and former long-term partner in 2012, he found solace in a new relationship and feels like he’s been given a second chance in life. It’s this return to the good times that served as the creative fuel for The Violet Flame.
During the course of our conversation we talk about the new album and tour, the challenges of being out in an increasingly corporate and closed industry, and his two and four-legged sources of love and inspiration.
Read the full interview on SuicideGirls.com/.