New SG Interview: Benji Madden – Good Charlotte0
Posted In Activism,Blog,Entertainment,Interviews,Music
“The goal is the journey”
– Benji Madden
Though they may have joked about the trappings of fame in their 2002 breakout hit “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,” brothers Benji and Joel Madden of Good Charlotte appreciate everything their success has brought. Having come from a broken home – and suffered the financial and emotional hardship that resulted from it – they also know the value of family, a theme which lies at the heart of their latest release Cardiology.
SuicideGirls caught up with Benji to talk about the new album, his thoughts on family, and his work as a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador promoting UNICEF’s Believe in Zero campaign, which aims to reduce preventable infant mortality, thereby ensuring that more families have a chance to enjoy the fundamental luxury of growing old together.
Read our exclusive interview with Benji Madden on SuicideGirls.com.
Cardiology is out now and available via Amazon.com.