by Fred Topel
“It’s rare that you see the daughter killing the mother.”
– Joe Wright
Hanna is the first action movie from director Joe Wright, whose previous credits include Pride & Prejudice, Atonement, and The Soloist.
The film stars Saoirse Ronan (The Lovely Bones) in the title role of a teenage assassin, who was raised in isolation and given a military-style training by her mysterious ex-CIA father Erik (Eric Bana). When she re-enters society at 16, secret agents, led by Marissa (Cate Blanchett), come looking for her, and a thrilling cat and mouse chase of sorts ensues. On the road, Hanna meets a traveling family and befriends their daughter Sophie (Jessica Barden). With their help, while in pursuit of her mission, Hanna finds a conscience and comes to question her very being.
Sitting in a Beverly Hills hotel room with British director Wright was a bit like chatting in a pub. He wasn’t from the rah-rah Jerry Bruckheimer school of in-your-face publicity. He was just a guy who liked to talk about movies, and he happened to have just made one about a teenager kicking ass.
Read our exclusive interview with Hanna director Joe Wright on SuicideGirls.com.