NEW SG Interview: Morgan Spurlock – The Greatest Movie Ever Sold0
Posted In Activism,Blog,Entertainment,Interviews,Movies
by Fred Topel
“Everywhere… you’re being sold to.”
– Morgan Spurlock
We all know product placement happens in movies. You see the results when a can of Coke is seen in a shot instead of a generic soda, or a corporate logo comes into focus in a scene played out in Times Square.
The existence of product placement is not a mystery or scandal, but Morgan Spurlock wanted to put it to a real test. Big budget movies like Iron Man can command huge numbers for fast food endorsement deals. But could Spurlock finance an indie documentary on product placement alone?
He actually did raise $1.5 million to make The Greatest Movie Ever Sold from sponsors like Pom Wonderful juice, Ban deodorant and Sheetz fast food. Perhaps not surprisingly, McDonald’s wanted nothing to do with the Super Size Me guy.
Along the way, Spurlock investigated how advertising impacts our lives. He spoke to filmmakers who have to balance corporate demands with artistic integrity. He spoke to the organization that ensures products are represented favorably in the media. He contrasted America with Sao Paolo, where outdoor advertising is banned. He even bought ads from schools who sell banners to make up for budget cuts.
Sporting a special suit, emblazoned with the logos of all his sponsors, Spurlock hit the Sundance Film Festival. This is all part of the film too. The product placement continues in the marketing of the movie. He even pre-recorded a Jimmy Kimmel Live segment that will air the first week of April, and used a clip of the segment in the film. Wearing his funding on his sleeve, literally, is all part of the fun in Spurlock’s style of social commentary.
Read our exclusive interview with Morgan Spurlock on SuicideGirls.com.