Playboy’s Smoking Jacket Interviews Missy Suicide0
Posted In All Things SG,Art,Beauty,Blog,Photography,Vanity
“I created SuicideGirls nearly 11 years ago–yeah, it’s been a long time–to celebrate the girls with piercings and tattoos, to treat them with the same sort of reverence that was afforded to the classic pinups…
“Suicide Girls are girls that don’t have to fit into a certain mold. I think that the idea of beauty we’re putting forward is that confidence is the sexiest attribute a woman can have. And I think that if you embrace who you are then you’ll be far more beautiful than trying to cram yourself into a prescribed box of what is [considered] beautiful. I think that if you embrace your flaws and your unique features and you’re confident in them that you’ll be much more beautiful than if you’re trying to fit into whatever the latest trend is.”
– SG Founder, Missy Suicide
The folks from Playboy’s Smoking Jacket recently spoke with SG founder Missy Suicide. You can read the full interview, which covers the origins and ethos of our community, here.