by Blogbot
This week’s pin-up tip comes from SuicideGirls Model Coordinator Rambo.
TRY: Almay 16-Hour Liquid Eyeliner
WHY: It’s no secret that applying liquid eyeliner flawlessly requires a lot of practice and patience. However, the result can be some seriously sultry bedroom eyes.
Although harder to apply than pencil, liquid eyeliner has these benefits:
- Longer lasting lines
- More dramatic look
- Ability to change the eyes’ shape
- Ability to fill in sparse lashes
- Won’t smudge
I have been perfecting my liquid eyeliner skills for 10 years and I can safely say that the best ‘liner on the market is Almay’s 16-Hour Liquid Eyeliner. The quality is exceptional for the price (around $5). One bottle usually lasts me about three months. This eyeliner is water resistant, hypoallergenic, non-irritating, and suitable for contact lens wearers.
HOW TO: I usually start from the outside edge of my eye and work my way in. That way, I can decide what kind of shape and how much accentuation I want. I’ve learned it is best to line slowly, but in one swift motion. Do not stop halfway through if you have messed up though. It will be difficult to match the line you’ve already started.
Once you have drawn an initial line, fill in the free space on your lid with the tip of the applicator. Again, line slowly. There is nothing more frustrating than having to remove all the liner from your eyelid and start over. If you DO need to make corrections, I suggest using a pointed Q-tip. These are super inexpensive and can be purchased at most beauty supply stores.
Most women will find it easiest to line their bottom lid with pencil. You can create a very defined look by rubbing the pencil back and forth across the inside of the bottom lid.
Don’t get discouraged if it isn’t perfect the first time. Remember: practice makes perfect! With a little patience, you’ll be looking like Brigitte Bardot in no time!