SG Radio feat. Amber Lyon, Brad Friedman, and David Seaman1
Posted In Activism,All Things SG,Blog,Politics,SG Radio
by Blogbot
This Thursday, November 14th on SuicideGirls Radio, hosts Nicole Powers and Juturna Suicide will be joined in studio by three-time Emmy Award-winning journalist Amber Lyon, popular blogger and radio personality Brad Friedman, and SG political correspondent David Seaman.
You can listen – and watch – the world’s leading naked radio show live on Thursday nights from 6 til 8 PM at our new state-of-the-art all digital home: TradioV.com/LA.
If you have questions for the SG Radio crew or our guests, you can call in during the live broadcast at: 1-855-TRV-inLA (1-855-878-4652)
For updates on all things SG Radio-related, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
ICYMI: Last night’s awesome episode of SG Radio feat. three-time Emmy Award-winning journalist Amber Lyon, popular blogger and radio personality Brad Friedman, SG political correspondent David Seaman, and Strike Debt’s Alexis Goldstein can be viewed HERE.
About Amber Lyon | @AmberLyon
Amber Lyon is a three-time Emmy Award-winning journalist, author, filmmaker, and photographer, who is obsessed with hackers, human and animal rights, and revolutions. She is the founder of the investigative news site Muckraker.com.
Amber grew up in St. Louis, MO, and attended the University of Missouri School of Journalism. While a student, Amber produced Battered Justice, a three-part series on the judicial system’s response to domestic violence offenders. Amber uncovered a judge who was illegally charging domestic violence victims who were trying to protect their children from abusers, resulting in thousands of dollars in Guardian ad litem and court fees. The series earned her an SPJ Heart of America Award and Missouri Broadcasters’ Association Certificate of Merit.
Upon graduation with a degree in Broadcast Journalism, Amber moved to Tucson where she covered immigration and drug cartel border issues for the NBC affiliate, KVOA. While at KVOA, Amber earned three Emmy Awards and an Edward R. Murrow award.
Amber joined CNN in June 2010. She was the only reporter to broadcast live while scuba diving in a HAZMAT suit so she could report from below the surface of the water in the Gulf of Mexico during the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster. Her reporting contributed to CNN winning a Peabody Award for coverage of the spill.
Lyon has also reported extensively on domestic child sex trafficking. In 2010, she investigated the sex trafficking of minors on the online classified site, Craigslist. Days after her report aired on CNN, a letter signed by Attorney Generals representing 17 states quoted findings from Lyon’s report in a letter to Craigslist demanding the closure of their Adult Services section. Less than a month after the investigation aired, Craigslist shut down their Adult Services section in the U.S. and has since closed the section worldwide. Lyon was honored with a prestigious Gracie Award for women in media and a nominated as a finalist for a Livingston Award for Young Journalists. Lyon also reported for and co-produced a documentary on child sex trafficking entitled Selling the Girl Next Door.
Lyon has a passion for exposing human rights violations against protesters during revolutions. For her documentary, iRevolution, she examines social media’s critical role in galvanizing revolutions and exposing human rights abuse in Egypt, Tunisia, and Bahrain. iRevolution won a 2012 New York Festivals International Television and Film Gold World Medal Award and Lyon was nominated as a Livingston Award Finalist for the documentary.
Lyon continues to expose ongoing cases of excessive use of police force against journalists and protesters in the U.S. She was crushed underneath a crowd in Chicago, directly shot at with less lethal weapons in Anaheim, and forced to inhale pepper spray more times than she can count, all while using submersion journalism to photo-document protesters in the U.S.
In November 2013, Amber published her first book. Peace, Love, and Pepper Spray, which chronicles modern protesting in America. “I hope the photos in Peace, Love, and Pepper Spray provide readers with the strength and inspiration to stand up against rampant corruption and revolt,” says Lyon.
“Whether you care about economic and social justice, the growing surveillance state, militarization of the U.S. police, or equality when it comes to topless sunbathing, the beauty of protest is that anyone can do it – all it takes is a little passion. I only hope that the threat of pepper spray will never prevail over the voice of the American people.”
For more on Amber visit her website, and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
About Brad Friedman | @TheBradBlog
Brad Friedman is a Los Angeles-based investigative journalist/blogger, political commentator, broadcaster, author, and Commonweal Institute Fellow. As a writer, he is a regular contributor to Salon, National Memo, The Progressive, Truthout and Trial Lawyer Magazine. In addition he’s written for numerous other websites and publications including Mother Jones, The Guardian, Slate, Huffington Post, AlterNet, Editor & Publisher, ComputerWorld, Columbus Free Press, and Hustler.
On radio, he is the regular fill-in host for the nationally syndicated Mike Malloy Show, and is the producer and co-host of the nationally syndicated Green News Report, a regular 6-minute radio feature heard on stations and podcasts across the country, with his partner and co-host Desi Doyen. Brad also host’s The BradCast, a weekly one-hour radio show on KPFK, the Pacifica Radio affiliate in Southern California.
Brad is a 2010 Project Censored award winner, recognized for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for his coverage of “The Mysterious Death of Mike Connell—Karl Rove’s Election Thief.” He also contributed a chapter to Project Censored’s compendium Censored 2010: The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2008-09 on the enormous problems encountered by voters in the 2008 Election. He is also co-founder of the non-partisan government corruption watchdog and Election Integrity organization VelvetRevolution.us.
Reports and breaking news from his popular website, The Brad Blog, are frequently cited by the national media, and can be read at BradBlog.com. Just some of the many notable national stories he’s broken include the “Secret Koch Brothers Tapes”; the “Tom Feeney/Clint Curtis/Yang Enterprises Vote-Rigging Scandal” (about which a documentary film, Murder, Spies & Voting Lies, featuring Brad has now been made); the story of the phony GOP voter suppression front group, “American Center for Voting Rights”, the E-Voting Machine “Sleepover” controversy in San Diego’s Busby/Bilbray U.S. House Special Election; along with his well-respected, and widely-touted continuing coverage of various Electronic Voting Machine companies like Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia and many of the others who are rapidly helping to destroy American democracy.
He has filed thousands of stories on issues of Election Integrity and Electile Dysfunction since November 2004 and his expertise in such matters has earned him invitations to address the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) in D.C., the Texas State Legislature and many other governmental and non-governmental organizations.
For more on Brad, visit his website, and follow him on Twitter.
About David Seaman | @d_seaman
David Seaman is an independent journalist. He has been a lively guest on CNN Headline News, FOX News, ABC News Digital, among others, and on his humble YouTube channel, DavidSeamanOnline. Some say he was recently censored by a certain large media corporation for posting a little too much truth… Catch Seaman’s podcasts on iTunes and Stitcher and his brand new crowd-funded show on YouTube.
David has just released a new digital minibook called All Your Favorite Conspiracy Theories Are Wrong, which you can download for $3 via Amazon. It’s a light, high-impact read full of unusual musings, inquisitive gems, and “haven’t you ever wondered” commonalities that will get you excited about being in the human race again. “It’s highly concentrated dishwasher liquid for your mind,” says David, who is known for his sparkling brain cells and remarkably soft hands!
For more on David, visit DavidSeaman.net and follow him on G+ and Twitter.
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