SG Radio: Featuring Steve Prue and Tita Suicide 1
Posted In All Things SG,Art,Beauty,Blog,Photography,SG Radio,Tattoos,Vanity
by Blogbot
This Thursday June 6th on SuicideGirls Radio hosts Nicole Powers and Juturna Suicide will be joined in studio by superstar photographer Steve Prue and the tittysprinkle-tastic Tita Suicide. We’ll be talking about modeling and photography, offering lots of insider tips, and taking some naughty pix!
You can listen – and watch – the world’s leading naked radio show live on Thursday nights from 6 til 8 PM at our new state-of-the-art all digital home: TradioV.com/LA.
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If you have questions for the SG Radio crew or our guests, you can call in during the live broadcast at: 1-855-TRV-inLA (1-855-878-4652)
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About Steve Prue
Steve Prue is a simple man – he likes coffee, big hair and instant film. Self-taught and hella-amusing, he manages to avoid a day job and gets to work with interesting people every day. Steve’s work can be seen in magazines such as Penthouse, Playboy, ZINK!, Auxiliary, Rebel Ink, Urban Ink, Skin&Ink, Inked, Inked Girls, Village Voice, Time Out NYC, CLUB, FOX, Velvet and other magazines in that “special” rack behind the counter at 7-11, as well as on SuicideGirls.com.
Having attended 15 schools by the time he graduated college (North Carolina State – Go Wolfpack!), Steve has a bit of a traveling jones and can be found splitting his time between Boston (wife & cats), Brooklyn (rent controlled apartment & his Ducati) and Los Angeles (lots of naked tattooed women).
Current projects involve working on a book of dirty Polaroids, finding the perfect cup of diner coffee, telling everyone how AWESOME it was to work with a circus elephant, and as usual, continuing to avoid working a day job.
Personal Quote: “The bigger the hair, the closer to God.”
You can see more of his work here at Teamrockstarimages.com and TeamrockstarNSFW.com, and follow him @tmronin.
About Tita Suicide
Tita does a lot of things. Getting naked on the Internet is just one of them. The self described “professional traveler, cupcake galavanter, fitness fan, and pantless wonder” clearly has varied interests, which far from being at odds, are in fact the very glue that holds her together.
A long time professional athlete, Tita’s lifestyle is a balance of discipline, and complete madness. From photo shoots, to producing video and viral content, Tita works in front of, and behind the cameras and computers, as a member of Team Rockstar with Steve Prue. She also helps to run events for SuicideGirls, and other alternative brands, mentors models and athletes, and runs a successful blog over at www.cupcakedujour.ca
Tita currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, but this pint sized ball of fury can often be found at conventions throughout the United States, and Canada. You can follow along with her adventures via social media, where she goes by “Cupcakedujour” for obvious reasons.
Tita’s plans for the future include continuing to contribute online and print content to media outlets, lifestyle and fitness brands, and to find a puppy partner in crime for her chihuahua Zapato.
But first, she’s off to Ink N Iron where she will assist Steve as they shoot content for Rebel Ink, Urban Ink, and various other publications. Tita will also stop in to say hello to her favourite SuicideGirls, work with The Blonde Locks, and shoot with notable photographers and artists based in LA. As usual it will be a whirlwind trip, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
You can see more of Tita on SuicideGirls and at cupcakedujour.ca. You can also get social with her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr.
ICYMI: Last week’s show featuring sexy shenanigans from co-host Juturna Suicide and special guests Tita Suicide and Steve Prue. The fabulous Moxi Suicide also joined us by Skype. Plus Nicole Powers rants about the NSA / PRISM snooping scandal!
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