SuicideGirl Gamer Of The Week: Fraise Suicide0
Posted In All Things SG,Blog,Entertainment,Gaming,Geek,Internuts
by Alexander Hinkley for Examiner
Fraise is this week’s SuicideGirl gamer of the week. She is a girl gamer from Germany who loves open world games and fighters. Fraise teaches us how to sound cool talking trash over Xbox LIVE in German and talks about how gamers in Germany actually get some games before the United States!
What is the meaning behind your SuicideGirls nickname, “Fraise”?
Fraise is French for strawberry. Actually, I wanted another name. My first choice was the name of my grandma’s cat, Misha. My second choice was Cerise, that’s French for cherry and I seriously love cherries a lot. But there is already another Suicide Girl with the name Cerise. You have to give three different names when you apply and I had no third name. I thought strawberries are awesome, too. Everybody loves them. And everything sounds better in French so why not go with Fraise. Why I did not get my first choice, I don’t know, but Fraise is totally fine with me. It was a one-minute decision that stuck with me for five years now. That’s how it can go!
French huh? Are you fluent in French?
Lets put it like this: my French is far better than my Spanish and my Spanish is better than my Swahili. I had French at school for five or six years, but to be honest, I sucked. The fact that I have never really traveled to France (I have been to Paris one time, but that’s it) did not make it better. Surprisingly, I remembered a lot when I started to learn Spanish. I was able to answer every question my teacher asked in perfect French! At university, I took Swahili for one year. The only sentence I remember is “mtu anasoma kitabu.” If you can get it translated, you will see how helpful that one is!
How does living in Germany affect your gaming habits? Do you get games later than people in the U.S.?
Actually there are no negative effects at all. Sometimes we even get the games a little bit earlier. The restriction laws are sharper, as I see it, but it’s no problem to get the version you want. You have to buy the Austrian version in shops or order from Austria.
How do you say “get owned, noob” in German?
I can’t really think of a fitting phrase, probably because the standard language online is English. It would probably be safe to translate “get owned“ with “friss scheiße!“ Then “noob“ would be a “neuling” or “neuer” which is far too long and does not have the effortless sound that this cool internet language has.
What is your favorite genre of video games?
I love open world games like Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption!
What did you think of the ending of Red Dead?
A lot a people complained about the end but I had no problem with it at all and I think it’s a perfectly fine ending. I have to admit that it took me a while to figure out that, as the son, I had to go and get my final revenge on the cop.
Anyways, Red Dead Redemption was great. I spend hours riding around, catching horses, and just enjoying the landscape. Seriously, the horses were amazing. The Four Horses of the Apocalypse in Undead Nightmare were even cooler. Demon horses! A burning demon horse! Can it get any better?
What are you looking forward to most about GTA V?
GTA is one of my favorite games ever and I’m bursting with excitement. It’s always amazing to see how games evolve that you knew from the beginning (besides Tekken, that just makes me cry). First of all, it goes back to fake California which is cool. I loved San Andreas. Second, a bigger map. The biggest map ever! Sounds pretty good. I’m not 100 percent sure about switching characters during the game, but most likely I will find it convenient when I play it. There is one thing though; I really hoped for a female character. To be honest, I counted on it and it’s sad that it’s not happening. I hope they at least give me horses and some animal interaction like in Assasin’s Creed 3.
The last thing I have to say about GTA V is that it can be released now. I’m ready. Thanks.
Do you do much gaming online?
Actually no. I’m more of a loner when it comes to gaming. I like to lock myself up in my room, all by myself and without any interaction with other people.
Xbox 360 or PS3?
For me it went like this: PlayStation, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360. I don’t know if the PS3 would be a better choice. Probably not, but I don’t know for sure. How could I if I don’t have one? Actually, a girl should have both.
In your opinion, who is the coolest video game character ever?
What kind of question is this? Are you kidding?! You know it’s impossible to answer this one, right? There are way too many options. But there is a character that has a lot of emotional value for me: Nina Williams from Tekken. She’s a blond girl like I am and I have known her from the beginning. Even though she has no sense of style whatsoever, we became very close. I remember the first time when my nagging was finally successful and the boys handed over the controller to let me try, my first pick was Nina and we clicked right from the start. Ever since, we’ve made a perfect team and after years of training you can’t win against us. A long time ago I went to the Manga and Anime Con in Kassel, where the PS2 was presented. I kicked a lot of nerdy butt that day and it still makes me proud.
If I think about it, I’m quite sure that the coolest character is a Pokemon, but I don’t know which one. My favorite is the Evoli (Eevee) because it’s so unspecific.
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