Mar 2012 09
Are you going to be in Austin during South By Southwest? Think you’ve got what it takes to be a SuicideGirl? Then be sure to head down to Hotel Vegas on March 10th for our unofficial SXSW soirée.
SG founder, Missy Suicide will be in attendance, and is looking for the next SuicidenGirl. Come to the event for an opportunity to become a hopeful.
The event, which is sponsored by Sailor Jerry, kicks off at 8 PM. Entertainment will come courtesy of Kay Leotard, The Harms, DJ Mahealani, and Warm Leatherette. And we’ll make it worth your while to get down there early: the first 100 people through the door will receive a 1-year SuicideGirl membership!
For full details, visit our Facebook event page.