SuicideGirls Represent At Vancouver’s Taboo “Naughty But Nice” Sex Show0
Posted In All Things SG,Blog,Tattoos,Vanity
by Tita Suicide
Fans from all over British Columbia headed to the Vancouver Convention Centre last weekend to heat things up at the city’s adult-only event. From lascivious lingerie, to bawdy toys and sexy seminars, the taboo show had something for everyone – including the Vancouver SuicideGirls!
Aadie (@aadielee), Ceres (@CeresSuicide), Cruella (@CruellaSuicide), Glitch, Harajuku (@HARAJUKUSUICIDE), Jacksons, Peatrie (@PeatrieSuicide), Parker, Rydell, and Tita (@Cupcakedujour) visited with friends and fans at booth 923, and blew up the internet with their tweets, posts, and texts using the official hashtag #SGCON2013
“Who’s excited for the Vancouver #tabooshow tonight!? #SGCON2013” – @CeresSuicide
“Cannot wait to join the ladies of @SuicideGirls at #taboosexshow this Saturday and Sunday! #SGCON2013” – @PeatrieSuicide
The booth carried all of the site’s newest apparel, including the super cute booty shorts and “Fill In The Blank” tanks. The updated attire was received with the kind of enthusiasm that only a sex show can bring, as many patrons promptly changed into their SG swag right where they were standing! The girls encouraged patrons to snap photos of their new gear, and took some of their own too!
Saturday evening was capped off with a special SuicideGirls after party at Library Square, where the models, members and fellow convention attendees danced until the bar closed down.
“It was like a pub, meets aerobics, meets the SuicideGirls in there” – @Ave_Dogg
By Sunday the stories rolling into the booth were filled with fun, and sexy accounts of shopping, partying, and in at least one case – piercing.
“Hey Tita, thanks heaps for the tickets last night, woke up with a lot less cash, my nipple pierced and a bag full of goodies! X” – @ivoryboone
Safe to say the event was a big success, filled with experiences, that will be enjoyed for some time 😉