On Monday night, a 23-year old female protester named Lauren Valle was assaulted by a group of male Rand Paul supporters before a debate in Kentucky between the Republican candidate and his Democratic counterpart, Jack Conway. The incident was captured on a video which has since gone viral.
In the clip, Valle, who was armed with nothing but a blonde wig and a MoveOn.org “RepublicanCorp” sign which mocked the GOP’s allegiance to big business, was seen being pulled to the ground by a group of men. As she was curled up in the fetal position to protect herself, one of the men, who was subsequently identified as Paul campaign volunteer Tim Proffitt, repeatedly stomped on Valle’s head, leaving her with a concussion.
Regardless of your political views, under no circumstances is such violence ever acceptable – especially when perpetrated by multiple males against one woman. MoveOn.org has therefore reached out to SuicideGirls to help get the message across that this is not OK.
“This goes beyond someone attacking a MoveOn member at this point. It’s about attacking a 5 foot defenseless woman, PERIOD,” says MoveOn’s Creative Director Laura Dawn. “Engaging in a political protest – a first amendment RIGHT in this country – is not an invite for a beat down – and isn’t it telling that they attacked the 5 foot woman and not the man who was with her protesting as well?”
To bring attention to the incident, Dawn is asking YOU to download this You Can’t Stomp on Us! sign, take a photo of yourself with it, then upload the image to MoveOn’s “You Can’t Stomp On Me” gallery (and, please, also post in the comments section below). So far, over 2,000 women have taken a picture of themselves holding the sign, add yours and help stop the violence.
**UPDATE #2**
“You Can’t Stomp On Me” ]
**UPDATE #3**
[…] by Blogbot […]