Sep 2010 03
Tattoo Tuesday Roundup!2
Posted In Blog,Tattoo Tuesday
by Alana Joy
Every week we ask you guys to show us your ink in celebration of Tattoo Tuesday: we choose one favorite submission each from Twitter, Tumblr, and MySpace and they win a free 3 month membership to SuicideGirls.com. Check out this weeks winners!
From Twitter:
From Tumblr:
From MySpace:
Good luck next week to everyone else who sent in their tattoos!
A few things to remember:
- You have to be 18 to qualify.
- The tattoo has to be yours, as in: on your body.
- On Twitter: we search for your entries by looking up the hashtag: #TattooTuesday, so make sure you include it in your tweet!
- You can enter every week, unless you’ve already won in the past.