Dec 2010 22

Wit Suicide in Pure Imagination

  • INTO: I like to go on adventures. I recently went to the rain forests of Belize. I love scuba diving. I’m a complete nerd for biology. I’m in love with my hammock and Harry Potter. I love food and to cook.
  • NOT INTO: Roaches, clowns, feet, and dope addicts.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Being with friends and loved ones.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Rejection.
  • HOBBIES: Scuba, reading, video games, and tokin’.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Cell (it sucks), cigarettes (though I’m “quitting”), eyeliner (a girls gotta look good), my hammock, my friends.
  • VICES: I don’t always think before I speak, which results in me being loud and very blunt. Also I tend to go on rants about the biological correctness of statements – my friends hate it!
  • SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Workin’, schoolin’, tokin’, sleepin’.

Get to know Wit better over at!