Dec 2010 31
Tease of the Day0
Posted In Blog,Tease
Rainbow Suicide in Flame Keeper
- INTO: Green tea, music,, Wicca, pain, cuddling, bright colors, boys, looking at girls, System of a Down, getting bitten and biting, the gorgon Medusa, mohawks, men with tattoos and piercings, the taste of envelope glue, back rubs, wearing jeans with no undies, lollypops, bluntness, sleeping naked, AIM, exclamation marks!!!
- NOT INTO: Tommy the green Power Ranger, ignorant people, diets, girly girls, being bladder shy, the sound of sex, bad Chinese food, feet, jealousy, waking up before noon, apple sauce, people who play the sympathy card, kids having kids, headaches, rap and country music, people who can’t sing but think they can, mustard, paper cuts, poorly done tattoos and your mom.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Rainbows, Columbus, Vinton County, musicals, my itty bitty group of friends, watching people break bones, homo milk, Tsutar’s art, sleeping naked, my Xbox LIVE friends, sound of scissors cutting construction paper, sitting at home and cuddling up with someone, watching local shows, my bed, sunshine, sunshine on my bed, Rubik’s Cubes.
- MAKES ME SAD: Bad music, bright lights, annoying sounds, trees being marked for cutting, assholes on Xbox LIVE, losing my puppy dog, snow and ice, winter, septum ring infections, my big bed being so big and empty.
- HOBBIES: Downloading DOS games, wasting time, singing obnoxiously, buying things off the internet, drawing, solving Rubik’s Cubes, wasting more time.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My friends, green tea, music, hugs and love.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Playing ’round on the web, doin’ art, dancing around in my undies, walking around the many malls of Columbus.
Get to know Rainbow better over at SuicideGirls.com!